When to use synchronous communication?

Remote work means that most of the time we engage with each other asynchronously. Read more to find out when synchronous communication can benefit your organization.

In the previous post, we discussed the pros and cons of asynchronous communication. And although we find more benefits for it, don’t get us wrong - we LOVE a good and effective real-time chat! The most important thing is to know which communication style is the best for the time being.

If you hang around here for a bit longer, we’ll walk you through our suggestions when to choose a real-time chat and when to rely on async communication. 

When is synchronous communication the best?

  • Not interacting with your colleagues might feel lonely. So we recommend you to have weekly team-building activities. When it comes to what to do, the sky is your limit. With today’s technologies, you can do basically anything: escape room, treasure hunt, karaoke, beer yoga, you name it! One of our favorites at Teamway is Kahoot! Quizzes. Fun times bring teams together and there is a lot to laugh about later.
  • Working on a new strategy or need to make quick decisions? Synchronous communication is your best shot! Brainstorming together brings spontaneous ideas and who knows - maybe that’s the solution you were looking for? 
  • If you need an urgent response in order to keep your project going, real-time chat might be the most effective way.  

When to choose asynchronous communication? 

Shortly, everything that does not need an immediate response, should be done asynchronously. Internal company updates, feedback for colleagues, manuals, various documentation - everything fits well in the cloud and makes life easier. Shared documents allow access to everyone, so you don’t need to worry to risk information loss as it can happen in real-time meetings due to connectivity issues.